KEDO Livilihood Program
KEDO Livilihood Program is for youth whose ages are from 18 to
24 years old, first step was Youth Lead Market Assessment to 19
beneficiaries from different genders (Male-Female) and Communities (Host Community,
Refugee, IDP). to gather information about the market
system, youth’s needs and the labor market.
We provided a training to the volunteers
on assessment tools and techniques for two days and then we had the assessment,
we visited different types of companies and started the survey to know what are
their needs.
We had FGD for 24 youth, after that we had
a survey with 150-160 companies (small, medium, large) to know how they
interviews for employment, if they have vacancies, how they appoint youth, as a
result we gathered information about trainings which are important and youth need.
Depending on this survey and the focus group discussion we decide to design
this program.LLH is for youth whose ages are from 18 to
24 years old, first step was Youth Lead Market Assessment to 19
beneficiaries from different genders (Male-Female) and Communities (Host Community,
Refugee, IDP). to gather information about the market
system, youth’s needs and the labor market.
We provided a training to the volunteers
on assessment tools and techniques for two days and then we had the assessment,
we visited different types of companies and started the survey to know what are
their needs.
We had FGD for 24 youth, after that we had
a survey with 150-160 companies (small, medium, large) to know how they
interviews for employment, if they have vacancies, how they appoint youth, as a
result we gathered information about trainings which are important and youth need.
Depending on this survey and the focus group discussion we decide to design
this program.